Hunter Ash
Originally from Basalt, CO, Hunter Ash is living and working as an abstract artist in Austin, TX. She earned her BFA at Baylor University where she studied Studio Art.
Using painting as a tool in exploring what it means to cultivate creativity in every-day life, Hunter interprets the intricacies of the emotional human experience through abstract narrative. She has learned to cherish painting as a special type of language, one that is liberating and engaging with room for interpretation. Hunter’s process is tactile and engaging. Using elements such as textured strokes, poured or painted hues, and striking marks, she creates paintings that are intimate and dynamic with plenty of movement and depth, provoking contemplation and discussion.
As she explores what may often be seen as intangible or foreign, her work exposes the unseen through painting in a way that is palatable, visually intriguing and impossible to ignore. NO WORKS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME.